Welcome to the first posting to my first blog. The main topic will be my collection of Cleveland Indians baseball cards. I started collecting in 1986. My collection goes back to 1957, when the standard 3.5" by 2.5" card size was adopted. I started entering my cards in an Access database in 1998 and reached 2600 different major league cards. I haven't updated it in 10 years, so I don't know how many cards I now own. Since I have over 80 minor league sets, I would guess I have 7000 to 8000 total cards, all in sheets in three ring binders.
I'm still learning all the available tools to use while blogging, so hopefully as time goes by, you will see more and more features added to my posts, such as pictures of some of my favorite cards and of my family.
I am a retired chemical engineer, living in Georgetown, Kentucky. I was born in Cleveland in 1950 and have been a Tribe fan ever since my first trip to the Stadium in 1959 to see Mudcat Grant beat the Washington Senators 6-1.
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JayBee Anama
Nice to see another Kentuckian out here in cyberspace. Welcome to the party.